Welcome to Free Software for all interested.

Provided by Andreas W. Schoening.

Feng Shui Consultations since 1996
Software development since 2003.

Following the Link Easy Pillars below will you get to the

Four Pillars of Chinese Astrology (BaZi)
Including hexagrams (double-kuas) according to Xuan Kong Da Gua.

Calculate any date (person or current), with many options for your choice.

Easy Pillars

You may download the software or open it immediately.
To open and use it, you need Microsoft Excel.
Easy Pillars should then be functional from Windows to Mac, from Android to iPad.
In the version necessary here, Excel should be available for free, if you do not have it.


Here you can read some Easy Interpretations
- Donald Trump and Sussex Family -
to inspire your own findings (11 pages)

Sure enough this is also marketing for my

High End - Software for Professionals:

Mystro - My_own Astro & Feng Shui

Feng Shui - BaZi - Date Selection

Software with great facilities, for professionals from all schools.
Can be switched between German and English for all functionality.

Imprint: Andreas W. Schoening, Luisenstr. 1, 31812 Bad Pyrmont, Germany, Mail: info@fengshui.software
Data protection: This website does NOT gather any data from users.
As far as it is unavoidable that data is stored with the provider, we will NOT access those from our side.